Make home buying and selling in Washington DC simplified and cost effective by choosing Magnolia Realty as your real estate agent in Washington DC.
Home buying and selling becomes much easier when we have the right real estate agent in Washington DC like Magnolia Realty. The Current Average List Price of homes for sale in Washington DC is $773,906 and the average sold price in the Month of October, 2018 for homes in DC was $712,709. Therefore, when you choose Magnolia Realty as your real estate partner in DC you save up to $12,700 or more. Their real estate agent stands side by side with you throughout the transaction to ensure that your interests are protected and help you save thousands by negotiating the best deal for you.
At Magnolia Realty they provide home buyers with full-service buyer representation and go beyond any other real estate agency in the area by sharing up to 70% of their commission with the home buyer. Isn’t that incredible! When you buy a home in Washington DC with them, their professional buyer representation makes your home or condo buying a great experience. Further theyshare a part of their commission with you which is around 2.11% of the selling price of the home.
And when you make them as your listing agent then you get a full-service listing for a 1% fee. They utilize the best tools in the industry and beyond to showcase the remarkable features and lifestyle of your home in Washington DC. Again to represent your home’s best features to the potential buyers they work with professional photographers. Further they promote your home for sale in Washington DConline as well as print marketing to expose your home to the largest number of potential buyers. They list your homeon Zillow, Trulia, Facebook,, Craigslist, Google Ads and And all these services make them the most dependable and expert real estate agent in Washington DC.
“We offer two types of Realtor Rebates for home buyers:
1. Our standard rebate – Our fee is 1% of the home’s selling price and buyer rebate is up to 2% at closing.
2. Rebate for proactive home buyers – At Magnolia Realty we reward our clients for taking a more active role in searching for their home either online or by visiting open houses when possible. Once you identify the homes you are interested in we will step in and provide you with full service representation for a flat fee of 0.89% of the sales price (or $4,000 whichever is higher) and the remaining of the commission offered to us by the seller is refunded to you at closing, a Realtor rebate of up to 2.11%. Found your home of choice and only need one property showing and/or one written offer? We will give you an extra $500 at closing.” – says a spokesperson at Magnolia Realty.
About the Company:
Magnolia Realty is a real estate agency owned by Aya Netanel who has 13 years of real estate experience and millions in sales volume throughout her career. Her impressive track record in real estate sales, and experience in listing and selling single family homes, townhomes, and condos throughout Maryland and Washington DC, allows the company to confidently handle complex transactions efficiently. To know more about their services visit