Heavy Haulage Transport

Connects Shippers with Carriers for Heavy Haulage Transport in Australia

LOGiST is a reliable freight platform for heavy haulage transport companies in Australia and also the freight owners. The main objective of the online logistics marketplace is to bridge the gap between shippers and carriers as effectively as possible. The freight professionals understand the distance between cities and towns throughout Australia. They are very much aware of the limited train accessibility; which is why logistic needs of Australia mostly rely on the road transports especially the trucks. Therefore, LOGiST marketplace is created with an aim to empower small carriers or transport operators by getting in touch with shippers directly or through a common yet secure platform. The freight management platform aims to provide peace of mind to shippers through secure and safe transactions as they hold payments in their system until the delivery is done.

LOGiST stands out as the ideal platform for heavy haulage transport companies in Australia as well as freight owners because of their 100% transparency. They focus on transparency, convenience, reliability, financial growth and stability of every carrier and shipper. Being in the logistics industry for years, LOGiST understands the challenges both shippers and carriers experience for successful heavy haulage transport. That’s the main reason why their team is always dedicated to providing an easy, well-connected and highly efficient logistics solution designed specifically for your logistics needs in Australia. Prioritising on needs of both shippers and carriers equally, the freight marketplace always proves to be completely flexible, transparent platform for heavy haulage transport operations anywhere throughout Australia.

“We always pride on encourage freight operators or carriers or the heavy haulage transport companies in Australia by connecting them directly to shippers. Our platform gives them an opportunity to create business relationships. Through our marketplace, these companies receive the estimate they truly deserve rather than the price matching to compete or end up working like subcontractors to big companies. By registering through our portal and shipping done by one of verified heavy haulage transport companies in Australia, the shippers track and trace their freight operations conveniently. We have designed a system by considering the convenience of our listed shippers and carriers. Shippers will make sure that their loads are safe and secure in the hands of carriers. If you would like to learn more about the heavy haulage transport process, feel free to contact us today”, says a spokesperson for LOGiST.

LOGiST is one-stop logistics marketplace in Australia that shippers and carriers always bank on. As a fair and reliable community for shippers and carriers, the freight management platform strives to accelerate your logistics needs the best way as possible. Whether you are looking for a load or a carrier, you should sign up through LOGiST today and let the logistics platform help you make the logistics process effortless and hassle-free in Australia.

Contact Information –


Address – 202/37 Barrack Street, Perth, WA, Australia 6000

Phone No – 1300 563 045

Website – https://logist.com.au/